Rail~Volution 2022: The interplay of transit, connected mobility, land use and development in building great places to live

Submitted by jessmendes on Mon, 10/24/2022 - 16:29

For more than 25 years, the Rail~Volution conference has shaped the vision for transit-oriented communities, influencing policies, planning and the way projects are delivered. The conference creates an approachable atmosphere where advocates, practitioners and elected officials work together and learn how to get things done.

Reggie Ramos, Director of Inclusive Public Transit for the Institute for Human Centered Design (IHCD) and Laura Brelsford, Assistant General Manager for Systemwide Accessibility at the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) will speak to the importance of sustained and intentional engagement of people with disabilities and older people to inform public transit initiatives. 

Our presentation will highlight design as a tool for social equity, how people at the edges can be co-designers, and how inclusive design can change policy and processes to benefit everyone.

The talk will be on November 1, 2022, at 3:30pm to 5pm ET, in Miami, Florida. Please visit Rail~Volution for more info.


View the teaser of the upcoming conversation is on IHCD's Youtube

Railvoultion Promo Flyer, copy reads Change-Making Through Inclusive Design. Background photo shows 3 individuals on the MBTA.

Key details

Date: October 30 - November 2
* IHCD's presentation will be available in-person and virtually on Tuesday, November 1st 

Location: In-Person & Online

Who can attend: Public

School, Centre or Area: Rail~Volution 2022

Type: Transit & Community Development Conference

Price: $745-$99 USD